Friday, December 2, 2011

2 months in the making.

2 months ago I celebrated my 30th birthday. 2 months ago I'd planned to re-start my blog. I'm finally ready. Let's sum those months up...

October 2 - incredible birthday celebration. My incredible roommate planned a mad surprise bday at a bar in town. Getting me there under the guise of a dinner with my parents was the 2nd 'fight' we'd ever had, the first being over a wet peanut butter covered utensil she'd left in the sink. It was the beginning of a new era, a fresh start on life and a chance to achieve all those goals I'd always dreamed of setting for myself.

What has 30 brought? Well, it's brought me the metabolism of a 30 year old. A 'money belt' that just keep growing, pants that just keep shrinking but an AMAZING new job that I'm about to begin in January. 30 has been wonderful and I'm so excited for everything that the decade has in store for this 'ol gal.

So now that we've started the blogging dream again, here we got. This is it, this is life and darn it, I'm going to remember it (because I'm quite sure the Alzheimer's will be setting in soon and memory will be a thing of the past)

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